Tuesday 10 June 2014

[Interview] Molotovcatnip

Next up in my cosplayer interviews is Molotovcatnip, a talented cosplayer from Leicester. You can find her on Facebook and Tumblr.

What inspired you to start cosplaying? Fighting Dreamers Pro inspired me, I was going through my Naruto phase and they were the first cosplayers I ever found, and I fell in love with it completely. It took me a few years after that to actually start cosplaying, but now that I have, I've never looked back!

What about people who inspire you - do you have any cosplay 'idols'? 
Like I said before, FDP are definitely my Idols, also Jessica Nigri, Twinzik and Parle Productions. I really admire how they're all different in their styles and execution, they've really stood out to me over the years as individual cosplayers that are good at what they do and truly enjoy the hobby~

How long have you been cosplaying?

I've been cosplaying for around 3 years now, but I've only been serious about it for a year or so.

Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Photo by Touch the Sky Cosplay

What has been your most memorable moment? 
Probably when I was cosplaying Jack Frost, It was the first cosplay I did that got pretty popular. I was on my way to Birmingham MCM in November 2013, and we had to walk through the bull ring centre and we walked past a group of kids and their parents, and so many of the kids came over to me or were yelling "Jack Frost! It's Jack Frost!" it was so nice! There was another time on the way to ALcon as Jack again and a little girl came over, and she just asked "Jack Frost?" to which I asked her if she could see me, and her smile was the biggest I'd ever seen before. It was genuinely the best reaction to a cosplay ever.

Monday 12 May 2014

[Interview] Sukairi

I'm going to begin my cosplayer interviews with Sukairi, a sweet and talented cosplayer from London. Be sure to check out her Facebook page here!

Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura) Photo by N.Atari COS
What inspired you to start cosplaying?

S: I have loved anime since I was really young, I used to wake up early with my brother and watch hours full of anime and I always kind of liked what they wore... I remember watching Cardcaptor Sakura and wanting to have all her outfits because they were all really pretty! I remember one day I was searching for some manga pictures for a project at school and google search added cosplay to the manga I was searching. I just clicked on it and I was like oh my gosh that looks so cool! I looked up more and more and thats when I came across FDP (Fighting Dreamers Pro) on Youtube. They were probably what really inspired me to cosplay. It looked so fun and I got to meet other people who love anime too in a really happy way, like I could really be myself and just be accepted for who I am.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Convention Survival Kit

In a couple of weeks time I will be setting off for MCM Comic Con in London, an event I attend twice a year as both a cosplayer and a photographer. If you're anything like me I always arrive and realise I've forgotten to pack something vitally important or haven't budgeted enough for food, so I thought it would be helpful if I whipped up a little con survival post!

Before the Con:

I'm actually really terrible with packing and usually leave it until the night before or even the morning I'm due to leave! To avoid the last minute panicking and rushing around trying to find everything I'd suggest starting to pack your suitcase a week or so in advance. Of course you wont be able to pack everything, but it should make it a much less stressful activity.  I've written up a checklist for you to give you a basic idea of the things you should be taking with you, of course it wont be perfect for everyone but I've included everything I can think of and you can tailor it to suit your needs!
